Current Classes

Folio 1

5 weeks

The goal of Folio I is to help with the approach, to not only analyze, but bring to life the Bard's lush language...including a truthful, honest connection to a character one thought at a time. Participants will delve into the Bard’s devices to help wield their words from a more technical basis. Of course, the end goal is to eventually let your character be a living breathing human being who just happens to speak in a heightened and beautiful way. This is a more technical foundation, but an important one. 

This is more than a Shakespeare class. This technique and approach will give you the tools needed for those heightened procedurals and period pieces.

Each participant will be assigned a monologue to apply these techniques to over the course of the class. The final class will be spent putting all speeches on tape. There are no required texts to purchase other than the play in which the monologue is from...but we have a mix of recommendations on the side as well. 

Beginning again this summer.

Classical Scene Study

5 weeks

The goal of classical scene study is to expand upon Folio I, applying learned techniques to scenes with a partner. Participants will bring to life a variety of classical texts that challenge them with higher stakes, shared lines, and the most important technique- listening. Classical text demands an elevated command of language and intention that we believe lays a more solid foundation for the contemporary work we face today.

Participants are expected to do their work on their own and come fully prepared. We do not expect partners to rehearse as a unit outside of class in order to avoid overly planned scenes that can often hinder genuine listening and the gift of discoveries that can come from it.


Masterclass Series

Check back soon for our next Masterclass date!

Our masterclass series offers a variety of one day workshops from leading professionals in the field that range from audition technique to decolonizing/rescripting Shakespeare. This series is to offer the working or fresh actor a chance to explore new realms of the field or polish up on what they already ‘think’ they know.